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Middlway - Band/Articles posted by adam

Author: adam

Loophole, by Middlway

Today's share from Middlway is the last song on the record. Loophole was written when people couldn't get together during the pandemic but movie stars were flying, sports people were playing and even horse racing was operating. The song turned out surprisingly chilled. At the end of the song there are dreams of rainbows, lollipops, beaches long with the golden tops. The song's foundation is a bass loop. Lazy guitars float along over synth...

Big Data, by Middlway

This song is about the creeping overreach of the digital age. Constantly having your data scrutinised and stored, then fed back to you as adverting. Or simply sold to the highest bidder. The music was seeded during one of our early shed jams. We cut out a large chunk and threw the loop pedal beat back over the top as a layer. I dropped the electric guitar tuning down to a super low drop...


'Introduction' is the first song on Middlway's new album. It is a mostly instrumental track with some chanting...

Oxygen Forcefield

Here's a long cut for lovers of heavy tunes. Stefan got a new bass amp from the op shop and the funny part was that it literally only worked on full volume! Adam found a crunchy distortion and plugged in too. This was to be the first and only song played together with this broken amp. A wild and enjoyable 8 minutes and 51 seconds long recorded jam followed. Adam quickly plugged in again...